outomatiese deurlopende hoë druk poliuretaan skuim produksie masjien, pu skuim isolasie muur paneel planke maak masjien

hoë druk skuim masjiene vir poliuretaan

Produk Beskrywing

This series is the one specially designed according to customers’ needs, which have good utility and good economy.

The users could simply select the machine type to produce different products. Additionally, its excellent performance-price ratio helps to establish high reputation in the market.

Structural features:

Double mixing, the vertical movement 1.5 meters, the horizontal movement 1.5 meters, 360Kg tanks/only, 99 time point guards, automatic feeding system, for continuous casting tube.

Meng kop

High precision T-shaped mix head

High pressure impingement style mixing

Hydraulically controlled sequential operation

Metering Unit

High precision axial piston pump, A2VK

Variable output, robust manual adjustment via handwheel with integral precision measuring scale

Magnetiese koppeling verseker geen materiële lekkasie nie

Digitale drukmeter vir die beheer van druk

Components Storage and Temperature Conditioning

Pressurized and jacked tanks with visual level tube

Digital pressure gauge for control and visualization of pressure with max. & min. alarm value

Electrical resistance heater and cooling water solenoid valve for temperature conditioning operation

Chiller for option

Elektriese beheerstelsel

Fully controlled by Micro Computer

Colorful touch screen operator panel for simple and user friendly setting of machine parameter, status showing and pouring time, etc.

Alarm function with acoustic warning and text message

Ons Dienste

OEM diens aangebied.

Ingenieurs beskikbaar vir oorsese kliënte, vir masjienproef en onderrig.

Stel verwante materiaal en vorm vir jou voor, sleutelbesigheid om jou tyd te bespaar.

Vinnige Besonderhede

Verwerkingstipe: Skuimmasjien
Toestand: Nuut
Produk tipe: skuim masjien
Plek van Oorsprong: China (vasteland)
Handelsnaam: EMM
Spanning: 380V
Power(W): 22-98KW
Dimension(L*W*H): 1.8*2*1.6m
Sertifisering: CE, ISO, TUV
Waarborg: Een jaar
Na-verkope Diens Voorsien: Ingenieurs beskikbaar om masjinerie oorsee te bedien
Name: automatic continuous high pressure Pu foaming machine
Coupling: Magnetic coupling without tem